Culture? Yeah, it's kinda complicated.
Each day, organizations find themselves grappling with the imperatives of diversifying their teams, resonating with diverse markets, and engaging in consequential dialogues. Despite the well-intentioned endeavors of many, a considerable number of these initiatives culminate in resounding missteps, often rendering businesses stigmatized as performative, insensible, and the subject of trending social media hashtags. It's not a clear playing field and missteps are as common when certain words mean different things to different people. Here's where we can help:

Expand your products, services or messaging to effectively appeal to various groups while staying aligned with your goals.

Get help attracting diverse talent and building a company culture that keeps that talent and your business thriving.

You don't have to do something cookie cutter. Craft your own projects with us that meet the needs of you and your stakeholders.
Who do you design for?
Making accessibility the standard - not the option
Typically, when people reference the world of diversity or inclusion, the gaze frequently gravitates toward the realms of race and gender. Yet, inclusivity, in its true essence, extends beyond mere aesthetics; it delves into the intricacies of existence. Consider this: 20% of the people in the world have a disability, impairment, or are handi-capable. Whatever label you apply, ensuring those with visible and invisible differences are included in your physical and digital space is key (and the law). Learn more about making your brand more accessible, offline and online through our Accessibility consulting and digital services.
GET MORE ACCESSIBLEA safe place to ask ALL your questions in a judgement free zone.
What's going on in the culture can be a difficult thing to to talk about and for some, incredibly embarrassing. While everyone has a line, this is a place of learning, grace and worry free collaboration that won't have you walking on eggshells waiting for the next offense. We're equipped to offer customized offerings and services that meet your specific needs :)
Got more questions? Check out our FAQ.
Making accessibility the standard - not the option
When we think DEI, we often focus on race and gender. But inclusivity isn't just about what we look like, it's about the life we live. Accessibility is often the last slice of pizza left in the box that no one cares to take a bite out of whether offline or online. However, 20% of the people in the world have a disability, impairment, or are handi-capable. Whatever label you apply, ensuring those with visible and invisible differences are included in your physical and digital space is key (and the law). Learn more about making your brand more accessible, offline and online through our Accessibility consulting and digital services.
Feeling lost? You're not alone.
Learn when to jump in, step back, take a stand or take a seat when it comes to engaging in culture wars, activism, inclusivity and more that's aligned with your goals, beliefs and values.

Sometimes, it's not the thought that really counts.
Welcome to a time where people can clap back. The wrong event, campaign, or marketing message can send you spiraling down quickly, cost you thousands and even end you up in court. This is NOT the viral you're looking for...

Just because it's trending, doesn't always make it right.
Not everything that's popular is on the "right side of history." While you don't have to feel pressured to engage, getting a pulse on your surroundings can help you avoid major pitfalls. Trending isn't everything.
I've spent many years talking about culture to leaders and organizations. While many have focused on training and workshops to help build more diverse and inclusive environments, I think it's vital to work on the heart aspect of the equation. Though it's a tough nut to crack, it's the seed you plant that has long term value. I've always had a diverse team because diversity comes naturally, and my strategies reflect that within my own organizations. While building an environment that fosters diversity, equity and inclusion is a key priority for many organizations, my overall larger goal is to get individuals to see what I see. To look below the surface and question how they draw up on the knowledge and conclusions they have about the culture and information they receive. Once we employ critical thinking in our everyday lives around what valuing culture really means, you'll find that building a company that shines in this arena becomes easier.

Available for panels and speaking engagements.
As the nation reckons with racial issues across the board, I shared my views, experiences and insights as panelist on the Black Business Experience, hosted by Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. As many look for answers in navigating this landscape, informative and thoughtful conversations are needed.
I partnered with Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC as the Events Task Force Lead and designed a campaign where the Diversity in the Workplace Committee worked to create 28 one minute videos released on the 28th day of Black History Month. It was an amazing and impactful endeavor that highlighted local black leaders and community members doing phenomenal work and sharing their experiences.